segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2009


EMA BARAK MAK HALIMAR NO DESPRESTIGIA PROGRAMA "povo kuda, governo sosa" HUSI MTCI (Ministerio do Turismo, Comercio e Industria) IV GOVERNO CONSTITUCIONAL RDTL.

Maibe kestaun bot mak sira nebe kontra programa ne'e entende duni essencia no significado historico no politico programa ne'e ka lae? Barak mak reclama an, nudar FRETILIN maibe sira kuando kestiona programa "povo kuda, governo sosa" ne'e, ita kestiona fali genuidade sira nian nudar timor oan nebe hakarak no kompreende essencia no processo historico luta ba independencia nian.

Keta halo be'e, sira ne'e hotu mesak ema nebe subar an, hodi taka sira nia passado negro... barak mak uluk moris hodi kolabora no simu facilidades indonesios nian, no ohin loron hakarak taka ema nian matan no tilun ba sira nia passado nakonu ho bosok no busuk....

Realidade nebe sira hatudo, la seluk la let, sira la os ema nebe hatene duni processo da luta.... karik sira hatene, sira sei hanoin hetan razaun wainhira sira kaer reintos hodi invoka hikas fali ba musica luta nian naran "KOLELE MAI"...

Resposta sa ida los mak evidente ba halerik povo maubere nian?

Karik ema ne'e hatene, nia sei responde halo lo los......

Viva Timor-Leste.... Viva ba memorias vivas nebe hatene an nudar timor oan genuino....


What is the reason?
Who is the guilty one?
Who is really to blame?

What is the reason?
Who is the guilty one?
Who is really to blame?

What is it that makes your corn not grow?
What is it that makes your rice not flower?
Why doesn't our corn grow?
Why doesn't our rice flower?
Who is the guilty one?

What is the reason?
What is the reason?
Who is the guilty one?
Who is really to blame?

What is the cause of our hunger?
What is the cause of our never ending sweat?
What is the cause?
Who is to blame?

What is the reason?
What is the reason?
Who is the guilty one?
Who is really to blame?

Who is the guilty one?
Who is really to blame?
Who is the guilty one?
Who is the guWhat is the reason?
Who is the guilty one?
Who is really to blame?

What is the reason?
Who is the guilty one?
Who is really to blame?

What is it that makes your corn not grow?
What is it that makes your rice not flower?
Why doesn't our corn grow?
Why doesn't our rice flower?
Who is the guilty one?

What is the reason?
What is the reason?
Who is the guilty one?
Who is really to blame?

What is the cause of our hunger?
What is the cause of our never ending sweat?
What is the cause?
Who is to blame?

What is the reason?
What is the reason?
Who is the guilty one?
Who is really to blame?

Who is the guilty one?
Who is really to blame?
Who is the guilty one?
Who is the guilty one?

Who's really responsible?
Responsible, responsible,
Somebody's got to be responsible

What is the reason?

Some people sing a simple song,
Are they to blame?
This is the classic language of the people of Timor

Who is really to blame?ilty one?
What is the reason?
Who is the guilty one?
Who is really to blame?

What is the reason?
Who is the guilty one?
Who is really to blame?

What is it that makes your corn not grow?
What is it that makes your rice not flower?
Why doesn't our corn grow?
Why doesn't our rice flower?
Who is the guilty one?

What is the reason?
What is the reason?
Who is the guilty one?
Who is really to blame?

What is the cause of our hunger?
What is the cause of our never ending sweat?
What is the cause?
Who is to blame?

What is the reason?
What is the reason?
Who is the guilty one?
Who is really to blame?

Who is the guilty one?
Who is really to blame?
Who is the guilty one?
Who is the guilty one?

Who's really responsible?
Responsible, responsible,
Somebody's got to be responsible

What is the reason?

Some people sing a simple song,
Are they to blame?
This is the classic language of the people of Timor

Who is really to blame?
Who's really responsible?
Responsible, responsible,
Somebody's got to be responsible
What is the reason?

Some people sing a simple song,
Are they to blame?
This is the classic language of the people of Timor

Who is really to blame?